Though in his defense, Jack didn't act under free will when he did this. It is later revealed that the plane crashed because Jack hijacked and brought it down. He survived, the other 94 passengers on the plane did not. Crash Course Landing: The story starts with Jack's airplane crashing into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, near the lighthouse that will take him to Rapture.Doing this helps him research them, giving him bonuses for fighting against them. Camera Fiend: Jack can use a Research Camera to take pictures of the various different splicers he'll face in Rapture.
Not to mention the 'mind control plasmid', used on Jack during his childhood to mold him into an obedient Sleeper Agent. Brainwashed: Hypnotize Big Daddy, which makes the Big Daddies protect Jack.
With the Booze Hound Tonic, Jack actually gains both EVE and Health from drinking the bottles of alcohol he finds lying around Rapture.
Booze-Based Buff: Drinking alcohol restores Jack's health at the cost of his EVE. All There in the Script: According to a Dummied Out passport texture ◊ in the files for the first level, his surname, or at least that of his manufactured identity on the surface, is Wynand. The bad ending suggests Jack has succumbed to ADAM's pull, as the splicers are now loyal to him. His vocal cords recover in time to fight Fontaine, though, so it's possible Fontaine was just screwing with him. Though the process is reversible (as he isn't surgically fused to the suit like the others), Fontaine claims the damage to his vocal cords isn't. To pursue Fontaine and prevent him from leaving, Jack must voluntarily become a Big Daddy. They lovingly hold his hand when he finally dies of old age. A Good Way to Die: In the Good Ending, Jack raises five of The Little Sisters he rescued as his own children. Suchong: "Break that puppy's neck - Would You Kindly." Suchong: "Break that sweet puppy's neck." Suchong: "Is that your puppy? She's very pretty."